Latest Episodes

17: 831b, The Offspring of a 401K and Health Savings Plan.
Van and Bre present a well-kept secret of the tax code that will help you mitigate taxes, grow your portfolio, and could save your...

16: Traveling further, together. Partnerships and Syndications.
Brendan Leach leads us through his portfolio and how he scaled to a million in syndications and Baron Hollowell showcases how he scaled his...

15:American Vets Drink Beer and Tell Tales of Their Financial Independence
The Turnkey Brothers have three of their favorite pilots on to talk about how they leveraged their VA loans to expedite their retirements. The...

Episode 14: Amanda Rockrohr and Kyli Osojnicki investher boise chapter leaders
These ladies take the scaries out of networking, empower local woman and touch on adding to your tool belt to keep momentum going when...

Episode 13: Bethany Rankin
Full-time escrow officer, fuller-time comedian. Beth is a firecracker that’s all brains and a wit that’ll leave your head spinning. Beth takes us through...

Episode 12: Carter Yocham
Failing forward. Rags-to-riches, motivational quips, a road map to make you a better version of yourself… this episode has it all! Carter has taken...